Welcome to King’s Christian centre in Mold.
It’s great that you’ve found our website. We are here intentionally to Know our God, Share our lives, and Serve our World. We have an online service each week, and links to the last two filmed services are available below. We have two services a week in Church. You’re very welcome to join us live on Sunday and Thursday mornings at 10.30 am. Come and join with us. Also, check out our other pages.
Latest Sunday Message
Below is our latest Sunday message from our YouTube channel.
Howard and Liz study the Lord’s Prayer.
Interested in being a Christian?
Hello. If you’ve found your way to King’s Christian Centre’s website, then perhaps you’re looking for some help to understand the issues surrounding faith in Jesus Christ. We have put together these 5 films which attempt to answer a few key issues; we don’t want to bamboozle you nor try to wrap you up in long words that are difficult to understand.
Firstly, there’s a film explaining The Gospel, and how faith in Jesus Christ saves.
Secondly, there’s a film about becoming a Christian which answers some of the basic questions you may have.
Thirdly, there is a short film about reading the Bible; we think this is crucial to understanding faith and following Jesus.
Fourthly, a film about Prayer; how can you talk to someone who is invisible? Jesus wants us to communicate with Him.
Finally, there is a film about the church, and what church is all about.
We hope that you enjoy them, we welcome comment and questions, please feel free to email; andy.leake@kings-mold.org.uk We really pray that you find what you’re looking for.
If you would like to donate to our Church, please click this link below or scan the QR code with your smartphone: